
EQUES Liga– designt in Zusammenarbeit mit Guðmundur Björgvinsson

  • Mittel-tiefer Sitz mit optimaler Stütze
  • Weiche ergonomische Kniepauschen mit guter Oberschenkelstütze, welche das Knie nicht behindern.
  • Am Widerrist gebogene Sattelkissen bieten optimale Schulterfreiheit
  • A-Baum
  • Austauschbares Kopfeisen – Kopfeisen A (standard 26A)
  • Hergestellt mit Kalbsleder in Topqualität

Größen: 16,5″, 17″ und 17,5″
(16″ und 18″ als Spezialanfertigung)

Sattelkissen: Latex oder Wolle

Pflege: Sattel mit Black Edition Clean reinigen und danach mit Black Edition Care fetten

UVP: 2.665 EUR


„My feeling when riding in this saddle is first and foremost that I have close contact with the horse. The saddle offers just the right amount of support without becoming restraining. My legs fall naturally and correct which makes is so much easier to use the seat and aids correctly and guide the horse into an uphill movement and self-carriage.

The technical explanation behind is that Liga is built on the well-proven A-Tree. The A tree that fits many different types of Icelandic horses which makes it a good choice when picking a saddle for training a range of different horses. The shape of the knee pads is highly central to the function of this saddle. The rounded carving against the thigh promotes the rider slide into a full and comfortable but non-restraining support. This further promotes the rider to sit in the deepest point in the seat. And this is how the close contact with the back of the horse is facilitated.“

– Guðmundur Björgvinsson

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