EQUES Black – designet i samarbejde med Nils-Christian Larsen
- Dybt sæde med optimal støtte
- Bløde medium størrelse knæpuder som giver et godt allround fit
- Indskårne paneler sikrer optimal skulderfrihed
- A-bom
- Udskifteligt kopfjern – Kopfjern A (standard 26A)
- Fremstillet af kalvelæder i topkvalitet
- Black Edition læderplejeprodukter og eksklusivt overtræk medfølger
Se video af Black sadlen her.
Størrelser: 16,5″, 17″ og 17,5″
(16″ og 18″ på specialbestilling)
Paneler: Latex eller uld
Vedligehold: Vask sadlen af med Black Edition Clean og behandl derefter med Black Edition Care
Vejledende udsalgspris: 19.900 DKK
“I have poured my soul into the design of Black. With years in the highest level of the sport, I have now shared my thoughts in collaboration with EQUES and every detail was taken into careful consideration to make sure the new Black Edition design offers the best possible fit and comfort for rider and horse.
The comfort of the horse is my main goal and we have not compromised on the looks, in any detail for Black either!
For my personal touch, I have emphasized and developed my own line of leather care, specially to enrich, moisture and take care of your Black Edition assortment”
– Nils-Christian Larsen
(Gammelt varenummer: ES-0011)