2-part Lock-up Bit with Loose Rings – Sweet Iron

This 2-part lock-up bit is produced in stainless steel with a sweet iron surface that oxidizes (rusts) easily. This promotes the horse to accept the bit.

The lock-up-system protects the roof of the mouth and tounge of the horse and distributes the pressure evenly, since the “nutcracker action” is prevented.

Suitable for horses who hesitates with resting on the bit.

Sizes: 10.5 cm, 11 cm and 11.5 cm

Thickness: 10 mm

Care instructions: Rinse with lukewarm water after use. If larger rust stains appear the bit can be scrubbed with a sponge scouring pad before use

Suggested retail price: 67 EUR



(Old SKU: EL-0003)

SKU: EQ50003 Category:
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